Jason "Gray" Embry <00s0puente@bsu.edu>
at using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
1. Feb 96 16:09
Cool site. I could add a little color to the description of the Catwalk, in the club listing. --Gray

Angela <Seagle7@postoffice.ptd.net>
at cs1-14.sun.ptd.net using Mozilla/1.0N (Windows)
1. Feb 96 18:41
Very good page...Dont stop!

BASS-FX <bass@bart.nl>
at fido.bart.nl using Mozilla/2.0b5 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
URL: http://www.bart.nl/~bass
2. Feb 96 5:50
hi human-species, nice side it's fantastic !!! my compliments i added your url on my page also... so you've been awarded !!! greetingz, bass-fx

Josh Wilson <wilsono@picard.msoe.edu>
at cc03-10.acsd.msoe.edu using NCSA Mosaic/2.0 (Windows x86)
2. Feb 96 10:23
I'm a structural engineering student at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. I'm kinda new on the web, but it's really cool to see how many of us ther are around.

Anna Sander <sander@wsunix.wsu.edu>
at slicb09.smeec.wsu.edu using Mozilla/2.0b5 (Win16; I)
URL: not yet
2. Feb 96 15:07
I found you through Hallucinet. I tried to use gothic.acs.cs.csulb.edu (I think that's you) and it didn't work. Nice big site. I'm sure I'll come back. I've been a lurker on alt.gothic for a of couple years, occaisionally popping up.

Cynickal <nbboldt@calum.csclub.uwaterloo.ca>
at novice.uwaterloo.ca using Mozilla/1.12 (X11; I; OSF1 V3.2 alpha)
2. Feb 96 15:28

Westcott <666@hell.com>
at an188.du.pipex.com using Mozilla/1.1 (Windows; I; 16bit)
2. Feb 96 18:04
Too bright?????

Westcott <Yeah, like I can afford that!>
at an188.du.pipex.com using Mozilla/1.1 (Windows; I; 16bit)
2. Feb 96 18:08
Hmmm... Interesting page. Interesting people... (yes, really!) Is Eldritch dead yet? Does he have anything wrong with him? Looked a little pale last time I saw him... :(

Randi Manning <rams@intele.net>
at slcmodem1-p2-10.intele.net using Mozilla/2.0b6a (Macintosh; I; 68K)
3. Feb 96 23:26
lovely!!!! just lovely!!!

INDIKA'S WEAKNESSES <catt@uniserve.com>
at chk0107.tvs.net using Mozilla/0.94 Beta (Windows)
URL: lovley
4. Feb 96 2:51
Hello. Got any info on new sites I can hook-up on. If not e-mail me anyway....:-)

Necro <necro@discover-net.net>
at ppp-92.rvlink.com using TradeWave winWeb 2.0
URL: in the making.....
4. Feb 96 10:18
Loved the page!!


Thelma Duff <David_Duff@tvratings.com>
at voyager.tvratings.com using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
4. Feb 96 14:42
I haven't read much of Sandman, but I have read all of the "Season of Mist" series. Anyway, I really liked your Morpheus page, but I think you oughta get more pictures for you gallery (Goth's Image Database). Most of what I saw was Death! Otherwise, it was great. Keep up the good work.

at anc-p4-102.alaska.net using Mozilla/2.0b6 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
4. Feb 96 16:54
out of cruosity, do you have any hook-ups in annapolis M.D.

Tina Lerner <Lucretia@eden.rutgers.edu>
at piweba9y-ext.prodigy.com using PRODIGY-WB/1.4b
4. Feb 96 20:11
Speaking as one of the stately old ladies of Goth, it was interesting to see how the scene looks now...I hope to have my own home page soon, as soon as I settle on an ISP or online service, and then you can see me, too. Oherwise, a very cool site to exercise one's voyeurist- ic tendencies. kiss kiss bang bang

jack black <ceejdm1@cee.hw.ac.uk>
at pc5.cee.hw.ac.uk using Mozilla/1.2N (Windows; I; 16bit)
5. Feb 96 11:22
stray catz are looking

Viki Warner <Heaven@industry-dm.com>
at an7la.tir.com using Mozilla/2.0GoldB1 (Win95; I)
5. Feb 96 13:28
Lestat is my favorite character EVER created!!!!

tanym sylverthorne <dschoonm@psd.k12.co.us>
at alpha.psd.k12.co.us using Lynx/2-4-2 libwww/2.14
5. Feb 96 17:45
You who would seek knowledge,find a home , a family. your place is here.

at warp.cc.monash.edu.au using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
6. Feb 96 18:51
Just wanted to say hi to everyone at Monash Uni.

johnathan-The New Creatures <none>
at using Mozilla/1.2N (Windows; I; 16bit)
7. Feb 96 6:34
The New Creatures' next performance will be Friday,Feb.16, 1996,Midnite at Nostradamus (2015 New Highway,Melville NY, call the club for directions or carpool discount at 516.753.2040) The evening will also feature a live performance by The Empire Hideous at 1:00 a.m.

To join The New Creatures' mailing list please call 212.714.7030

at using Mozilla/1.2N (Windows; I; 16bit)
7. Feb 96 6:40

James <vampire@wazoo.com>
at using Mozilla/2.0b5 (Win95; I)
URL: http://www.wazoo.com/~vampire
7. Feb 96 14:37

nik <nbon5979@uriacc.uri.edu>
at using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
7. Feb 96 18:51
This is a great site. Keep up the good work.

angela reames
at libref5.lib.dixie.edu using Mozilla/2.0b6a (Win95; I)
7. Feb 96 19:28
These pictures you have in here are great!!! I am very much interested in your work and comment on how well you have organized it. I do not have E mail I am visiting a friend at Dixie College in St. George, Southern Utah. :)

Siel Sandman <Ysan@aol.com>
at www-j2.proxy.aol.com using IWENG/1.2.003 via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
8. Feb 96 0:51
That is my REAL last name. Sorry about the aol address. Loved the Death and Sandman images page. I don't know if it's appropriate here, with all the darkness and death stuff, but if anybody wants a nice and happy, tounge-in-cheek comic, chech out BONE by Jeff Smith now published by Image.

Micha Mohr <MOMI.fh-albsig.de>
at rzsco.fh-albsig.de using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
8. Feb 96 6:14
nice idea, to collect nice pics... with the very best wishes from Germany Micha, Blackforest 02/08/96

Gina <gsi05183@gsaix2.cc.gasou.edu>
at l06.lrc.gasou.edu using Mozilla/1.2N (Windows; I; 16bit)
8. Feb 96 10:45
Hey! I am a Siousie Sioux fan, and I was wondering if you have access to any of the lyrics for the cover album, "Through the Looking Glass". I know that the lyrics aren't posted in the album cover like the others...but I still wish I knew exactly what she's singing in "Wheel's On Fire" if you know what I mean...so if you could drop me a line and let me know where I could get those lyrics, I would greatly appreciate it! I like your Siouxsie home page, and I hope you can expand. Thanks/.

Chucky Pitt <CPitt@loyalistc.on.ca>
at ipswitch.loyalistc.on.ca using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
8. Feb 96 11:20
Finally a place to find what I'm lokking for. Keep up the good work. SEE YA

Louis- <tom@w8n4sno.reno.nv.us>
at w8n4sno.reno.nv.us using Mozilla/2.0b5 (Win95; I)
9. Feb 96 10:35
I think you did very well on a lot of you Homepages. You might not consider my comment is very important, but hey not everyone is famous. I would also like to know if you know of any web-sites that are intresting enough to visit. If so e-mail me. Congrats on your Homepage.

Sincerly, Louis-

P.S. Are you, by any chance, connected to IRC (Internet Relay Chat)?

Louis- <tom@w8n4sno.reno.nv.us>
at w8n4sno.reno.nv.us using Mozilla/2.0b5 (Win95; I)
9. Feb 96 10:42
Your Web-site is fangtastic! Unearthy! It is very well composed if I can say so myself. Keep up the horrific work.

Sincerly, Louis-

Lord Sixx
at using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
9. Feb 96 12:32
The time is at hand as I search for my dark queen. Your club lists should be extremely help full. Thank you for mentioning my humble abode "The Other Side" here in Portland. Regretably with no E-Mail adress I can only be reached by hunting the shadows of "The Other Side".By all means netgoths please make your selves known for I tire of the same scene and the same people. We have only one refuge here and Im growing weary of it. Sex Bat your work is impecable and I look forward to another trieste on dueling. Perhaps I might eventually be allowed to post my own as I am some what versed in the poetry of the blade. Battle axes in a dark room sounds acceptable to me, name your seconds and appoint a time. To misery and dark hopes for the future. Cordialy the Lord Sixx

mac <mac@mindport.net>
at synapse-84.mindport.net using Mozilla/1.0N (Windows)
9. Feb 96 18:35
howdy i've surfed in looking for, believe it or not, manga pages. but i guess this is just as good. i know i'll be back sometime if not i'll probably just browse here for a while. ciao

Marquise de Merteuil
at cyberialon5.easynet.co.uk using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 32bit)
10. Feb 96 3:05 Anonymous
at pubcub01.plymouth.edu using Mozilla/2.0b6b (Win16; I)
12. Feb 96 15:58
cool stuff

Kevin Anderson <trance@wolfenet.com>
at sea-ts1-p53.wolfenet.com using Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 2.0; Windows 95)
URL: None established
12. Feb 96 16:54
Seattle goths, mail me for the sake of Christ weeping. I am in desperate need of a night scene...8):

Leoth <y7au@sdsumus.sdstate.edu>
at nhelab03.sdstate.edu using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
12. Feb 96 17:52
Am I alone? I feel in the dark. I need another to talk to. If you are one of the few of us I have lost, please respond. It is time!

Michael Patricio <patricio@qtm.net>
at ts02-9.qtm.net using Mozilla/2.0 (Win16; I)
12. Feb 96 21:37
Nice page. Don't know what else to say.


at sal13_1.hedbergska.sundsvall.se using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
13. Feb 96 2:04

at sal13_1.hedbergska.sundsvall.se using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
13. Feb 96 2:05

Dave Hodder <dhodder@coventry.ac.uk>
at leofric.coventry.ac.uk using Lynx/2-4-2 libwww/2.14
URL: http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/1382
13. Feb 96 7:33
Well I was going to re-arrange the words `black', `blood', `soul' and `vampire' to make a really deep and Goth Point(tm)-earning poetry epic, but then I realised I have no talent and I'm too lazy. But no matter... Still, a great page in a dark and resourcey kind of way. Farewell! Dave

d lukes <dlukes@gnn.com>
at www-e2i.gnn.com using GNNworks/v1.2.0
13. Feb 96 16:000
very awsume web page I LIKE IT THANKS

Sabrina Trujillo <trujills@ziavms.enmu.edu>
at using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
13. Feb 96 20:39
I like this page. I think its interesting. I've read all the vampire chronicles by Anne Rice twice!!!!

Silence <dawsonm@cardiff.ac.uk>
at caraway.hensa.ac.uk using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
14. Feb 96 6:25
Sometimes even the darkest of souls can see into the light which may be life. But sometimes those who walk the lighter paths fall into the wayside, into the darkness. And sometimes people will fall, and live out their life in Silence.

shannon <spatters@suvax1.stetson.edu>
at ehlabmac8.stetson.edu using Mozilla/2.0b5 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
14. Feb 96 11:29
i come via coven web. i'm new to the net...not to mention goth net. i'm impressed at how much goth is on net. i wish to congratulate you on an informative site.

Ragan Crews <crc7803@zeus.tamu.edu>
at p90-5.tamu.edu using Mozilla/2.0 (Win95; I)
14. Feb 96 12:10
nice work. I wish A&M had places like this in town.

Salvador Manzo <smanzo@calstatela.edu>
at sta_e7.calstatela.edu using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
14. Feb 96 14:41
Ah, byte me.

Jennifer Kathryn <jkc1@postoffice.ptd.net>
at cs1-06.sun.ptd.net using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; U; 16bit)
14. Feb 96 19:13
I cant remember if I left a comment before or not... Anyway, Cool page. Can I ask a favour of anyone? Does anyone know of any HUMAN DRAMA sites on the www? Any help finding them would be greatly appreciated. Thanks...

Jay Rector <batman@clandjop.com>
at class3.clandjop.com using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
15. Feb 96 13:52
Fascinating...but what to do when Lestat goes back into the earth? Perhaps having Marius' E-mail add. would help...at least he would be able to locate him

Cam <festis@saluki-mail.siu.edu>
at port149.aixdialin.siu.edu using Mozilla/2.0b5 (Win95; I)
15. Feb 96 20:14
Do you know how hard it is to find a good Goth in Southern Illinois? You should see the crap I get when I go in to a red neck bar looking like I have been dead for a few weeks. Its a good thing I'm a good fighter. I cant wait to move back to Chicago. Later Days, Cam [] [] [] ------ []

Blue <bs-f.partington@tees.ac.uk>
at tbs-mu.tees.ac.uk using Mozilla/1.2N (Windows; I; 16bit)
URL: http://www.tripod.com/~FAYEP/index.html
16. Feb 96 7:31
just surfed on in after sitting drooling at some gorgeous photos of the one and only Andrew

Jennie Kermode <9162651k@student.gla.ac.uk>
at cumin.hensa.ac.uk using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
17. Feb 96 1:57
Hello. Cool site. Due to having shite windoze applications at this university I haven't been able to get to these pages before, but I hope to hang around lots in the future. When I have twenty five quid I can even get my own homepage. :) love, Jennie

Carrie Outlaw <CattiBrie2@aol.com>
at www-k2.proxy.aol.com using IWENG/1.2.003 via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
19. Feb 96 10:20
This is great. I'm really beginning to like the Net.

Matthew North (All Living Fear) <allfear@mail.zynet.co.uk>
at poppy.hensa.ac.uk using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
19. Feb 96 10:51
Im just crasing around on a mates internet (I only have email myself, will email you soon with questions about alt.gothic etc!!!

Matthew North (ALL LIVING FEAR) <allfear@mail.zynet.co.uk>
at cumin.hensa.ac.uk using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
19. Feb 96 11:06
Ah, Well I think I might have sussed it but here is the latest on ALL LIVING FEAR The new Video Fear on the Road is out mostly taken from the secret gig (Billed as Life all raveing) at the borderline London 8/10/1995 Added to this ALF are playing the following UK gigs 2/3/96 Croydon (London) The Star, 9/3/96 Torquay New Railway Inn: 24/3/96 Southampton Joiners Arms, The SOuthampton and Torquay Gigs have punk band Distorshaus Supporting If anybody wants to contact us feal free to email me

The other thing is that All Living Fear want to tour the US in the summer if anybody has any tours coming up in that part of the world or know any promoters please get in touch,

Many thanks Matthew and Andy

Cynthia Hairston <Miller72@tir.com>
at an9.tir.com using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
19. Feb 96 12:23
I am searching for a partner to help write a story. Qualifications are a wonderful imagination, a bit on the weird side, a love of Kindred and their history, and a romantic lust to complete the best idea for total domination of the world through these characters. Even the Methusleah themselves couldn't have come up with a better idea... Or did they?

visiGoth <josiah@earthlink.net>
at pool015.max1.new-york.ny.dynip.alter.net using Mozilla/2.0 (Win16; I)
URL: http:\\home.earthlink.net\~josiah\goth.html
19. Feb 96 13:20
Always nice to visit Gothic Central. Feel free to visit me.

Michael <mdf141>
at mdf141.rh.psu.edu using Mozilla/2.0 (Win16; I)
20. Feb 96 9:44
So far so Good.

Jay Rector <batman@clandjop.com>
at using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; U; 16bit)
20. Feb 96 11:16
entirely too cool

André <dsc@ing.umu.se>
at torun.ing.umu.se using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
URL: Http://www.ing.umu.se/~dsc
20. Feb 96 11:41
Check this out if you like Goth....(Buy our new record!!!)

Magnus Lindblad <mliit95@tufvan.hv.se>
at tty17-05.swipnet.se using Mozilla/2.0b6a (Macintosh; I; 68K)
URL: http://tufvan.hv.se/~mliit95/
20. Feb 96 15:38
My own - under construction - gothic page. Contains my home made gothic band list.

Prime <Prime@aloha.net>
at oahu-66.u.aloha.net using Mozilla/2.0GoldB1 (Win95; I)
20. Feb 96 21:09
Honolulu,Hawaii........ no clubs seen.

Rafi Shachar <rafi@jen.co.ol>
at using Mozilla/2.0b6a (Win95; I)
URL: http://www.shemayisrael.co.il http://www.jen.co.il
21. Feb 96 2:52
Hey- Mah Inyanim? I saw you at the Tel-Aviv conference. Very impressive stuff your're doing. Also, thanks alot on that tip you gave me on how to get my dopey frames working. Shalom, U'lehitraot!

LeOth DelGeorgia <y7au@sdsumus.sdstate.edu>
at nhelab24.sdstate.edu using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
21. Feb 96 18:56
I am a vampire and I am currently writing a book of my life and the other vampires I have encountered. So far I am not done, but have already received an offer to buy the book by a large unnamable publishing house. If you or someone close to you would like to be included, sen me some detailed info about yourself/your life/your personal story(s). If I like them I will write back and possibly use them. Thanx

i dont have one(heheh) <JPunx1@aol.com>
at www-c3.proxy.aol.com using IWENG/1.2.003 via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
URL: http://members.aol.com/jpunx1/punk.htm
22. Feb 96 7:52
um interesting page...yeah, it is. i just don't like leaving comments. whatever....

Shari Weeks <adp_weeks@apsicc.aps.edu>
at using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
22. Feb 96 12:35

Shari Weeks <adp_weeks@apsicc.aps.edu>
at using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
22. Feb 96 12:35

Alexander Haiut <alx@eandm.co.il>
at wwwproxy1.ac.il using Mozilla/2.0 (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.4 sun4m) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
URL: http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~alx/
23. Feb 96 2:39

I was just impressed by your lecture in Tel-Aviv few days ago, even more now, by your homepage & the DNX web site.. Well done!.. Thank you for your work, and keep doing nice things! Good luck!


at denver.carl.org using Lynx/2.4-FM libwww/2.14
23. Feb 96 10:52
Why do you think that you can get away with this violation of my order? Do you not know that I am all powerful? Please write back!

B-Reall <b-reall@aliens.com>
at using Mozilla/2.0 (Win16; I)
URL: Http://aliens.com/personal/b-reall
23. Feb 96 16:36
I was wondering where i could make my own mud....

Solitude <solitude@flaprider.vnet.net>
at katie.vnet.net using Lynx/2.3 BETA libwww/2.14
24. Feb 96 5:46
"Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me; The carrige held but just ourselves And Immortality." We are very pleased. Solitude

Matthew Cilibraise <mdcilibr@oakland.edu>
at using Mozilla/2.0 (Win95; I)
URL: http://www.oakland.edu/~mdcilibr
24. Feb 96 8:56

Dracula's Daughter <staton@spider.lloyd.com>
at dial-2-17.lloyd.com using Mozilla/2.0b6b (Win16; I)
24. Feb 96 17:12
I didn't really look through here all that much....but what I did see was fascinating. Worthy of study.

Dracula's Daughter <staton@spider.lloyd.com>
at dial-2-17.lloyd.com using Mozilla/2.0b6b (Win16; I)
24. Feb 96 17:44
I bet you are thinking "hey Dracula didn't have a daughter" well you are right that is what makes my name so strange! No I am not a vampyre, but I belong to a circle of vampyres. We gather and drink blood from eachother as a ritual. I am female age 18 if anyone feels like talking(I would be jazzed if someone will) please email me!! I don't care how old or what sex you are. I do not discriminate among friends! My name comes from a club here in San Fransisco. Anything else you want to know you have to email me.....please? (no pressure here)

DrX <Dave_Kaiserman@hths.mcvsd.k12.nj.us>
at excaliber.com using Mozilla/2.0b6b (Win95; I; 16bit)
URL: http://www.cybercomm.net/~deadgirl/bbslist.html
24. Feb 96 18:56
Hey....what's up?

cerite mithus <mvdq73c@prodigy.com>
at piweba7y-ext.prodigy.com using PRODIGY-WB/2.0c
24. Feb 96 21:16
thank you so much for having this! I have been trying to find anybody that knows about Gothic music/people.

please write back at E-Mail address above!

Thank you

Cerite Mithus

osiris <wwbenzie@omnifest.uwm.edu>
at omnifest.uwm.edu using Lynx/2-4-2 libwww/2.14
24. Feb 96 22:24
cool enough site.

jay lee
at s136.phxslip4.indirect.com using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
25. Feb 96 0:07
im from phoenix az . lead singer of the band atavism.good job on every thing.please send me some more info write me at 4344 e hubbell phx az 85008 i would say e mail me but i may never get it the night calls you know late for know jay lee {thats lestat }

Raven Darkstorm <RvnWhtRse@aol.com>
at white.cerritos.edu using Lynx/2.4-FM libwww/2.14
25. Feb 96 7:01
Thankyou for the pics hÀ.

Vampyress <jgbush@compusmart.ab.ca>
at using Mozilla/1.1 (Windows; U; 16bit)
25. Feb 96 8:18
I am the unkown one. I am the all knowing one. I am the eternal one. I am the alpha and the omega. And I live beyond the grave....


ONYX <JMyers4436>
at www-k3.proxy.aol.com using IWENG/1.2.003 via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
25. Feb 96 11:11
Very entertaining! It lets me know that I am not alone

stefano sciacca <utbr@>
at using Mozilla/2.0 (Win16; I)
25. Feb 96 16:18
thanx god for this server. Is there anybody around the world interested in a italian gothic magazine written in english called Under The Black Rose? If so... send 8000 italian lira to receive the latest issue 6 featuring interview with bands like Rosetta Stone, Human Drama, Altered states, stone 588 , into the abyss etc or for the forthcoming issue 7 (out at end of march 1996. For more info please write to Stefano Sciacca, viale marconi 10/a, 04100 Latina , Italy or to E-mail: utbr@ Bye Bye and thanx. Labels/ ansd shops write us for advert prices:::: Bye

Bill Wesselman <wess@atc.ameritel.net>
at pt55.an1.ameritel.net using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
25. Feb 96 16:36
So, how many vampires DOES it take to screw in a lightbulb?

the Vampire Laree <mreardon@mail.airmail.net>
at dal29-23.ppp.iadfw.net using Mozilla/1.0N (Windows)
URL: ---
25. Feb 96 17:54
Wow! I loved it! And any of you Anne Rice fans out there, I Love all of you! Come big or small! We're all the same in Anne's eyes! E-mail me if you are crazy about her too! -the Vampire Laree

Dream <dream@bix.thehub.com.au>
at lyrebird.qut.edu.au using Mozilla/1.0N (Macintosh) via Harvest Cache version 1.4beta5
URL: http://bix.thehub.com.au/~dream/Main.html
25. Feb 96 19:57
if the sun didn't always rise in the east, and the night would last forever I wouldn't cry these tears of blood.

Tamsyn <cdcr06@ccsun.strath.ac.uk>
at striven.cc.strath.ac.uk using Mozilla/2.0 (X11; I; SunOS 5.4 sun4c)
URL: http://www.strath.ac.uk/~cdcr06/
26. Feb 96 13:20
well cool! y not gimme a visit!

Claudia <claudia@inch.com>
at claudia.dialup.inch.com using Mozilla/2.0 (Win95; I)
26. Feb 96 18:54
Hey anyone else love LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT-the Gothic goup I mean & not the movie.


alan doherty <nostferatu@compuserve.com>
at hd73-001.compuserve.com using Mozilla/2.0 (Win16; I)
URL: under construction
27. Feb 96 6:31
url will be http:\\www.compuserve.com\homepages\nostferatu\ I think?

Thersa Bloise <tbloise@s119.tvi.cc.nm.us>
at using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
27. Feb 96 8:25
I enjoy browsing your site!

Matthew Wright <matt@lifetouch.com>
at using Mozilla/2.0 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
URL: http://members.aol.com/euromatt/MATTHAEVS.html
27. Feb 96 12:34
I love your website! Black...black is good. Morrissey said (or sang) "I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel on the inside." I always liked that line... Hey, everyone -- please visit my homepage! If my counter starts rolling, I'll get self-conscious and have incentive to keep working on it! Be sure to check out my link to "The Woodland Nymphs of Martell."

at slip149.inhouse.compuserve.com using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
27. Feb 96 18:09
I just have to say that it is great to find others like myself do exist. I believe in the true "gothic" not the vampires (although they are interesting.) It is very hard to find others in Columbus, OH. This city is filled with children who dream of being unusual, so they cling to the underbelly of the considered to be gothic. They have not yet learned that this is not a way to irritate their parents and to awe their friends the strangers they live amidst.

Gary Reich <lestat@cybercom.net>
at dial3-29.cybercom.net using Mozilla/2.0 (Win16; I)
URL: http://kalypso.cybercom.net/~lestat/
27. Feb 96 18:39
Really cool page

Azazek <ubac5fk@dcs.bbk.ac.uk>
at poseidon.dcs.bbk.ac.uk using Mozilla/2.0 (X11; I; SunOS 5.4 sun4m)
URL: http://web.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/~ubac5fk
28. Feb 96 11:22
I am suitably impressed.

Az. >-)=

Cruella <don't have one yet>
at wndnsvr01-07.mnsi.net using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
28. Feb 96 12:52
I scar myself you see Iwish Iwasn't me

Anne Boelin <k.mannering@student.qut.edu.au>
at lyrebird.qut.edu.au using Mozilla/1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit) via Harvest Cache version 1.4beta5
29. Feb 96 0:48
Shivvers is a very interesting CDROM game to encounter and I want to recommend it. It has taken me on a journey that I haven't quite managed to return from yet. My love to all, and please - please recommend the following also as it has had a great effect on many:- THE DREAMING ALBUM - KATE BUSH. But try to not get too faraway. Please feel free to confirm reception on my email address above.

Stefan Drackner <Stefan Drackner@mailbox.swipnet.se>
at dialup98-7-2.swipnet.se using Mozilla/1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
29. Feb 96 10:25
Behold mortals! A webpage that sucks the living daylights out of you!

Krys <indigo3@ix.netcom.com>
at nor-la3-11.ix.netcom.com using NetCruiser/V2.1
29. Feb 96 15:12
In death we find peace .... and in life we find love...

Susanne Lacle' <lacle@earthlink.net>
at max1-800-38.earthlink.net using Mozilla/1.2N (Windows; I; 32bit)
29. Feb 96 20:10
You have a wide veriety of goth information. I must say you are the mother of all goth pages. It must had been lots of work. Keep it up!!! You are so beautiful you make me orgas..

Lust Always, Susanne Lacle'

di <Batdi@aol.com>
at www-k4.proxy.aol.com using IWENG/1.2.003 via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
29. Feb 96 20:33
'honey, you ain't old enough to ride this ride..."