The Kiss'em Rap

F.Baube[tm] (
Sun, 4 Apr 93 12:12:49 EET

From: Chris Conlon <ari!>
> Subject: Kiss them' question
> Ok, so I'm listening to the _Kiss_Them_for_Me_ CD single..
> and, at the start of track 4, there's this guy talking about
> Chaos, Discordia, 23, etc. All that stuff I understand, no
> prob. But *who is this guy*!?!?!

I only recall hearing that he is a performer in Britain.

Handoff to "U." K. subscribers ..

* Fred Baube (tm)         *  In times of intellectual ferment,
*       * advantage to him with the intellect
* #include <disclaimer.h> * most fermented
* May '68, Paris: It's Retrospective Time !!