I think I could do it, it wouldn't take too long.
> And on another note, I'm kind of burning out on running the mailing
> list (it's been almost 2 years now for me), and am putting out feelers
> to see if some of the more active subscribers might be able to take
> over for me. Do you think you might have the time+energy+knowledge+
> inclination to take over the list? (Note: this is just for me to
> get a feel for things, I'm not asking you to take over quite yet!)
> Also, please don't mention this to anyone else.
OTOH this would be a problem, because I've been laid off
and onlyhave very sporadic Net access. :-(
-- * Fred Baube GU/MSFS/88 * Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid, but * baube@optiplan.fi * they *do* make new videos for * #include <disclaimer.h> * MTV. Is this vile, or just sick ?