interview ?

F.Baube[tm] (
Fri, 15 Apr 94 19:35:40 EET

Surely sendmail reeled when thusly spake darren:
> From: darren <>
> Subject: Mailing List (SUBSCRIBE) (fwd)
> To:
> Date: Fri, 15 Apr 94 15:13:27 BST
> ObSiouxsie:
> Have there been any interviews since the one made at Reading Festival,
> where Siouxsie moaned about the record company forcing them to hold
> back (and even preventing them from previewing certain of their new
> recordings?

If this was in print, could someone type it in and post it ???


p.s. hopefully I'll prepare the FAQsimile this weekend.
In any case I'll confirm orders before firing it off during the week.

* Fred Baube(tm)    *  After "The Eighties" and 
* GU/MSFS/88        * "The Nineties", let's call 
* *  the next decade "The Noughties"
* #include <disclaimer.h> * (C) 1994 F.Baube